Día mundial del cáncer Uncategorized
4 de February de 2025

World Cancer Day: Unite for the one and only

World Cancer Day: Unite for the one and only We have known for years that cancer is not a single disease, but rather a collection of related diseases involving biochemical…
Microomics participa de nuevo en el Congreso de la SEMPyP Uncategorized
14 de January de 2025

Microomics participates again in the SEMPyP Congress

Microomics consolidates as a member of the CAI (Industrial Advisory Committee), and we will be at stand no 8 of the SEMPyP Congress (Spanish Society of Microbiota, Probiotics and Prebiotics),…
Microomics celebra su 7º Aniversario ampliando y reforzando sus equipos Uncategorized
19 de December de 2024

Microomics celebrates its 7th anniversary by expanding and strengthening its facilities

This milestone coincides with the expansion of bioinformatics analysis and computational capabilities, as well as the increase of molecular biology laboratory equipment in our own clean room and our great…
Día Mundial del Suelo – El papel de la microbiota en el lodo de Valencia tras la DANA EventosUncategorizedSobre Microomics
5 de December de 2024

Día Mundial del Suelo – El papel de la microbiota en el lodo de Valencia tras la DANA

Hoy, 5 de diciembre, se conmemora el Día Mundial del Suelo, una efeméride para concienciar sobre la importancia del suelo como recurso clave para la vida y sobre su conservación…
Microomics publica dos artículos sobre la importancia de la microbiota en el tratamiento del acné Uncategorized
28 de November de 2024

Microomics publishes two papers on the importance of microbiota in the treatment of acne

 The Microomics team is pleased to announce the publication of two new scientific papers as part of an acne treatment study in which we have been involved. The aim of…
Programa Torres Quevedo 2023 Uncategorized
11 de November de 2024

Microomics opens a new line of research funded by the Torres Quevedo 2023 Programme

Microomics receives its third industrial research grant from the Torres Quevedo Programme, a support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of the National Plan for…
 Microomics patrocina la VIII Reunión Fagoma que se celebrará los días 3 y 4 de octubre en el Hotel AGH Canet (Valencia).  Uncategorized
1 de October de 2024

Microomics sponsors the VIII Fagoma 2024 meeting

Microomics is sponsoring the VIII Fagoma Meeting, which will be held on the 3rd and 4th of October at the Hotel AGH Canet (Valencia).  Microomics will participate in the lectures…
Microomics participa en el Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia Uncategorized
17 de September de 2024

Microomics attends the Congress of the Spanish Society of Ovine and Caprine Technology (SEOC)

Microomics will participate in the Congress of the Spanish Society of Ovine and Caprine Technology (SEOC, XLVII National and XXII International Congress), to be held at the CEU Cardenal Herrera…
Microomics patrocina el XXIII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los Alimentos de la SEM Uncategorized
9 de September de 2024

Microomics sponsors the XXIII National Congress of Food Microbiology (XXIII CMA 2024)

Microomics is sponsoring the XXIII National Congress of Food Microbiology of the SEM (Spanish Society of Microbiology) which will be held at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), from 9…
MICROOMICS patrocina la VI Reunión del Grupo Especializado en Docencia y Difusión de la Microbiología Uncategorized
10 de July de 2024

Microomics sponsors the VI Meeting of the Specialised Group in Teaching and Dissemination of Microbiology

In our desire to collaborate in the dissemination of microbiology, and contribute to study the main challenges that, as a society, we face, MICROOMICS sponsors the VI Meeting of the…
27 y 28 junio: The Barcelona Debates on the Human Microbiome Uncategorized
28 de June de 2024

27 and 28 June: The Barcelona Debates on the Human Microbiome

27 and 28 June: The Barcelona Debates on the Human Microbiome Once again, to coincide with World Microbiome Day, MICROOMICS is participating in the 10th edition of the Barcelona Debates…
28 de June de 2024


“Feed your microbes: how diet shapes your gut microbiome”   When we talk about the microbiome we are referring to the set of organisms, their genes, the substances they produce…